Announcing 2nd Edition!

Announcing 2nd Edition!

In July of 2017, I published an e-book on the basics of product development. You did buy a copy, right? It was titled [Principles of Project Planning](

Adding a cache buster to esbuild

Adding a cache buster to esbuild

You've got a great JS app, your users love it. But every time you want to deploy new code, you stru...

My Current Stack

My Current Stack

As JS developers, we experience a lot of toolchain fatigue. All you have to do is subscribe to a f...

How I ported my Jekyll blog to Gatsby

How I ported my Jekyll blog to Gatsby

There comes a point in every developer's life where they sit back and look at a piece of old work a...

GraphQL Security Talk at Fullstack London 2019

GraphQL Security Talk at Fullstack London 2019

I recently had the distinct pleasure of presenting at Fullstack London 2019, put on my [SkillsMatte...

Why I am leaving Lighthouse

Why I am leaving Lighthouse

For the past five years, I have had the privilege and pleasure of working with the incredible team ...

JS Wickedness

JS Wickedness

We are all familiar with the famous [WAT]( talk (and if yo...